Forever & Always. Please always know that I love you more than anything else in the world. My love...

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

To My Love...

To my love,
You are the one I love,
You are my life my happiness,
Nobody can replace you for me.

To my love,
We are two single body created by God,
We are growing on our own individually,
But we have heart to heart contact that link our heart to each other.

To my love,
Religion is not a tie to differentiate us,
Distance is not a wall to apart us,
Time is not a river to drain us.

To my love,
We had the sweet memories in time,
And we had million words to remember,
That was our love trace.

To my love,
Sun will rise and set but my love will never fade,
Take me to your heart and feel me as your life,
You are my love and my pride.

Our love will light up until the last breath...To my love......

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